This is a record of the Black Mage’s weapon “Nightseeker“.

Ta-da! I got Y’shtola’s staff♪

Oh, Noriko-chan has started as a Black Mage.

Hehe, I started playing Black Mage because I wanted to try holding this staff♪

It is a black wooden staff with a rather complicated shape. It seems to hold a lot of magical power.

It has a distinctive purple gemstone and a cute decoration that resembles a tree nut. There are also decorations that look like dragon feathers.

It looks like the wood is twisted all the way to the tip of the sataff.

It’s a pretty big sataff that’s longer than I expected.

Yeah, I didn’t think so when Y’shtola was carrying it, but it’s surprisingly long.

Fufu, but there’s something so cute about Noriko-chan holding it.

This “Nightseeker” is a paid weapon that can be purchased at the FF14 online store, so it can be obtained at any time.

And I’m really happy to be able to equip this from Lv1!

I recorded the movement in a video!
So, this is the record of Y’shtola’s staff “Nightseeker” from Shadowbringers!

Okay, I’ll do my best to become the Witch of the Dawn♪
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