* May your Eorzean days be filled with happiness ! :) *

Armored dragon mount “Shadow Gwiber” available in The Minstrel’s Ballad: Hades’s Elegy

I found a wonderful treasure today.
I found a wonderful treasure today.



I really like animals that wear armor.

It looks cool and cute ✨

Shadow Gwiber is a rare companion in the “The Minstrel’s Ballad: Hades’s Elegy“.

I really like the way the helmet is deeply covered.

Answering to a horn imbued with the power of a sorcerer of eld, this draconic arcane entity is believed to have been created by Emet-Selch on a whim─an act that would have barely taxed his powers as an ancient. (From official commentary)

I wonder if old people had enough magic to create creatures. Perhaps mankind may be a useless creature that has been repeatedly destroyed and created even after civilization has developed.

This dragon always emits a scary light.

But I think he’s actually a gentle dragon when he takes off his helmet (imagination)


Shadowbringers’ dragon series are just the right size and easy to ride.

If it is too large, it will stick out of the screen…


I like this dragon unexpectedly cute.

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Thank you for reading. See you !