This is a record of the Christmassy Nutkin minion, Squirrel Emperor.

Look! A very cute squirrel has joined us♪

It’s Nutkin.

Thancred’s friend?

He is wearing a Santa hat.

Maybe this isn’t a nut but a cream puff? So cute♪

But he throws it really high in the air, you know?

He throws the cream puff(?) quite high into the air, then jumps high into the air to catch it!

And then it lands while spinning around!

Wow, what an incredible jump!

The way he runs is also very cute.

Is he an experienced teacher?

Fufu, what a cute teacher who likes sweets!

By the way, this “Squirrel Emperor” was formerly a minion in Starlight Celebration, but now it can be purchased from the FF14 online store, so you can join anytime.

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes the record of Squirrel Emperor, the Nutkin minion who wears a Santa hat!

This Minion also came to this year’s Starlight Celebration! He’s good friends with Rudy ♪
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