This is a record of the cute kitten minion “Tora-jiro“.

Wow, a super cute cat has joined us♪

Fufu, it’s true, this is a cute kitten.

This is a brown tabby kitten with round eyes.

Her fur is also very beautiful.

I think her face is too cute!

The way she runs is adorable too♪

And sometimes she makes cute gestures like she’s jumping up and down and playing with toys.

Oh! This kitten is so cute! ><

It seems like she was saved from a dangerous situation.

Well, I’m glad she was savedヽ(;▽;)ノ

By the way, this “Tora-jiro” will become your friend in exchange for Centurio Seal in Kugane or Rhalgr’s Reach.

When such a cute kitten comes, the house will be lively again♪

I recorded the movement in a video!
So, this is a record of the adorable kitten minion “Tora-jiro“!

I’m happy and happy♪