* May your Eorzean days be filled with happiness ! :) *


A summary of fashionable items for Pictomancer.


[Glamour] Fresh green white girls band style outfit (Queen Eternal Ver.?)

This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamours.This time's coordination【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl'
Pictomancer Arm

A purple glowing electrope brush? Pictomancer weapon “Skydeep Flat Brush”

This is a record of the Pictmancer weapon "Skydeep Flat Brush" that can be obtained at The Skydeep C

[Glamour] Casual engineer-style adventure outfit (G’raha costume arrangement)

This is a record of a glamour arrangement of Norirow's favorite G'raha costume.Coordinates this time

[Glamour] I tried cosplaying in Gundam colors! Part 2 (Krile’s costume arrangement version)

This is a record of Glamour, Noriko's favorite, arranged with Krull's costumes.Coordinates this time

[Glamour] I tried cosplaying in Gundam colors! Part 1 (G’raha costume arrangement version)

This is a record of a glamour arrangement of Noriko's favorite G'raha costume.Coordinates this time【
Pictomancer Arm

Ethnic-style makeup fan brush, Pictmancer weapon “Zormor Fan Brush”

This is a record of the Pictomancer weapon "Zormor Fan Brush" that can be obtained in Worqor Zormor

[Glamour] A white cashmere poncho for a warm and fluffy adventure in the middle of winter

This is a record of Noriko's favorite outfits for midwinter adventures.Coordinates this time【Head】Fa

[Glamour] Yuweyawata Caster Gear Arrangement “Blue Researcher”

This is a record of a glamour shot using the Yuweyawata Robe of Casting, a torso piece for casters t

[Glamour] I tried cosplaying as a shrine maiden! (Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Uniform arrangement)

This is a record of Noriko trying out cosplay as a shrine maiden for the New Year.Coordinates this t

[Glamour] Felicitous costume arrangement “Christmas Traveler” outfit

This is a record of Noriko's favorite easy glamour that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates this ti

[Glamour] G’raha Tia’s costume arrangement “Crimson Traveler”

This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamour, an arrangement of G'raha Tia's Attire.Coordinates thi

“G’raha Tia’s Attire” where you can cosplay as G’raha (Lalafell female version)

This is a record of the paid equipment "G'raha Tia's Attire" that can be purchased from the FF14 Onl

[Glamour] FFBE Machérie costume arrangement “Eternal Queen’s Knight”

This is a record of a glamour arrangement of the WAR OF THE VISIONS FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS colla

[Glamour] Krile costume white x green dyed arrangement adventure outfit coordination

This is a record of Noriko's favorite easy outfits that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates this ti
Pictomancer Arm

The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden’s beautiful white electronic brush, Pictomancer weapon “Paintbrush Eternal”

This is a record of the Pictomancer weapon, the Paintbrush Eternal, available in The Minstrel’s Ball
Pictomancer Arm

An antique and noble white flat brush, Pictomancer weapon “Archeo Kingdom Round Brush”

This is a record of the Pictmancer's weapon, the Archeo Kingdom Round Brush.The white brush and luxu

[Glamour] A casual jacket and jeans for a relaxed everyday look

This is a record of Noriko's favorite, easy-going glamour that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates

[Glamour] “Clean Clown in White Tuxedo” Crown Attire – Arranged Coordination

This is a record of Norirow's favorite convenient glamours that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates

[Glamour] “Halloween Mage” – Ranged Mage outfit

This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamour for ranged mages.Coordinates this time【Head】Manalis Ha

[Glamour] “White Rabbit Knight” – Halloween costume outfit

This is a record of Noriko's favorite Halloween glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Bunny Chief Crown

[Glamour] “Chestnut Knight” A slightly steampunk autumn outfit

This is a record of Noriko's favorite autumn glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgi
Pictomancer Arm

The purple cyberpunk Pictomancer electronic brush “Claro Walnut Flat Brush”

This is a record of the Pictomancer's weapon, the Claro Walnut Flat Brush.The overall look is based
Pictomancer Arm

A transforming brush that pops out, Pictomancer Weapon “Red Pine Flat Brush”

This is a record of the Pictomancer's weapon, the Red Pine Flat Brush.The worn metal look is cool.It

[Glamour] A vanilla yellow cashmere poncho for a warm autumn look?

This is a record of Noriko's favorite warm outfits that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates this ti

[Glamour] “The Pure Mage of White Eden” – Edenmorn Caster Gear Arrangement

This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamour for ranged mages.This time's coordination【Head】Far Eas
Pictomancer Arm

Antique cross brush, Pictomancer weapon “Neo Kingdom Round Brush”

This is a record of the Pictomancer's weapon, the Neo Kingdom Round Brush.The overall design has an

[Glamour] Cyberpunk Traveler – Cold Weather Coordination

This is a record of Norirow's favorite glamours that are suitable for all jobs.Coordinates this time

[Glamour] A fragile-smiling Sphene-style cosplay (Lalafell female version)

This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamour that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates this time【He
Pictomancer Arm

Pictomancer weapon “Chondrite Magitek Paintbrush,” a fluorescent green ink that looks like an airbrush

This is a record of the Pictmancer's weapon, the Chondrite Magitek Paintbrush.This is a special brus

Cosplay of the energetic Lyse from Stormblood! “Scion Liberator’s Attire” (Lalafell Female Ver.)

This is a record of the paid equipment "Scion Liberator's Attire" that can be purchased from the FF1
Pictomancer Arm

Blue rose gothic lolita brush, Eden’s Promise: Eternity (Savage) Pictomancer weapon “Edenmorn Round Brush”

This is a record of the Pictomancer weapon, the Edenmorn Round Brush, available in Eden's Promise: E
Pictomancer Arm

Cute red rose gothic lolita brush, Pictomancer weapon “Hellhound Round Brush”

This is a record of the Pictomancer's weapon, the Hellhound Round Brush.This is a rare brush with a
Pictomancer Arm

Iron Ribbon Artistic Brush – Pictomancer Weapon “Renaissance Brush”

This is a record of the Pictomancer's weapon, "Augmented Renaissance Brush."It is a relatively thin
Pictomancer Arm

A glass pen with a blue shining crescent moon. Pictomancer Weapon “Lunar Envoy’s Round Brush”

This is a record of the Pictomancer weapon, the Augmented Lunar Envoy's Round Brush.It looks like a

[Glamour] Pictomancer AF6 Arranged Outfit “Traveling Artist”

This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamour for Pictomancer.Coordinates this time【Head】Far Eastern
Pictomancer Arm

A cute, antique, sky-blue, stylish brush – Pictomancer’s AF6 weapon, “Angel Brush”

This is a record of the Pictomancer's AF6 weapon, "Angel's Brush."The brush has an antique design ov

A cute Pictomancer AF6 Gear, “Pictomancer” (Lalafell Female Ver.), like FF6 Relm

This is a record of the Pictomancer AF6 Gear (equipment exclusive to DAWNTRAIL's Lv100 job) "Pictoma

[Glamour] Noriko’s “Cyberpunk Girl” Coordination

This is a record of Noriko's favorite cyberpunk-style glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Magitek Ear
Pictomancer Arm

Pictmancer’s electronic brush “Vanguard Angle Brush”

This is a record of the Pictmancer weapon "Vanguard Angle Brush" that can be obtained in Vanguard (I
Pictomancer Arm

The charming and cute Gothic Lolita style Pictomancer brush “Monstrorum Round Brush”

This is a record of the Pictmancer weapon "Monstrorum Round Brush" that can be obtained in The Tower

[Glamour] A slightly cyberpunk and sporty adventurer

This is a record of Norirow's favorite glamours that can be worn for all jobs.This time's coordinati

[Glamour] Pictomancer’s first gear arrangement: “Chocobo Painter”

This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamour for Pictomancer.Coordinates this time【Head】Far Eastern
Pictomancer Arm

Antique Japanese calligraphy brush, Pictmancer weapon “Cryptlurker Round Brush”

This is a record of the Pictmancer weapon, the Augmented Cryptlurker's Round Brush.This brush has an

[Glamour] “Village Knight” – Noriko’s first DAWNTRAIL adventure outfit

This is a record of Noriko's favorite adventure outfit glamour that can be worn for all jobs.Coordin
Pictomancer Arm

The super cute chocobo and star Pictomancer weapon “Chocobo Brush” (DAWNTRAIL CE bonus)

This is a record of the Pictomancer weapon "Chocobo Brush" that can be obtained as a bonus with the
Pictomancer Arm

Pictmancer’s first weapon (AF4 & AF5) – “Round Brush” with simple and cute wood grain

This is a record of Pictmancer's first brush (AF4 & AF5 weapon), the Weathered Round Brush.A simple

Pictomancer’s first gear: Pastel-colored “Painter” (Lalafell female version)

This is a record of the Pictomancer's first gear (AF4 & AF5) "Painter" series.Pictomancer's starting

[Glamour] “YoRHa’s White Grim Reaper” (2B costume arrangement)

This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamours that can be worn for all jobs.This time's coordinatio

[Glamour] The Blue Sky Knight – Shadowbringers Alphinaud Costume Arrangement

This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamours.Coordinates this time【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl's H

[Glamour] A blacksmith girl who wears a maid costume and uses a mace

This is a record of Noriko's favorite Glamour that supports all jobs.Coordinates this time【Head】Far

[Glamour] I cosplayed as The Apothecary Diaries “Maomao”!

This is a record of Noriko trying out the glamor of "Maomao" from "The Apothecary Diaries".Coordinat

[Glamour] Cute dirndl costume in Princess Snow White color (Lalafell female version)

This is a record of Noriko's favorite daily wear Glamour that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates t

Shadowbringers’ Alphinaud costume “Crystarium Prodigy’s Attire” (Lalafell Ver.)

This is a record of the paid equipment "Crystarium Prodigy's Attire" that can be purchased at the FF

FF16 Clive’s Glamor Costume “Metian” Attire (Lalafell Ver.)

This is a record of the FF16 collaboration event costume "Metian" Attire.Metian Attaia【Body】Metian V

“Azeyma’s Earrings” are the earrings of the goddess Azeyma, who rules over the sun and judgment

This is a record of the earring "Azeyma's Earrings" that can be obtained as a DAWNTRAIL pre-order bo

[Glamour] Noriko’s favorite steamy adventure clothes 2024 Spring Ver. (Compatible with all jobs)

This is a record of Noriko's favorite adventure clothes that she can wear for every job.This time's

[Glamour] Noctis costume arrangement “Girls band style” coordination

This is a record of coordination using the FF15 collaboration Noctis costume.Coordinates this time【H

[Glamour] I tried on the costume of my favorite FF13 Lightning! (Lalafell Female Ver.)

This is a record of Noriko-chan wearing FF13's "Lightning's Attire".This time's coordination【Head】Fa

[Glamour] Heavensward’s Y’shtola costume arrangement coordination

This is a record of coordination using the "Y'shtola's Modish Attire".This time's coordination【Head】

[Glamour] Norirow-san’s Valentione Adventure Wear 2024

This is a record of the outfit Norirow wore to the Valentione event.This time's coordination【Head】Be