This is a record of the White Mage’s weapon, “Senor Sabotender’s Cane.”

Ta-da! I got the sabotender’s cane♪

Oh, what a hilarious series of gold saucers.

When you’re carrying it on your back, the cactus protruding from your shoulder is cute.

The decoration on the pedestal also feels luxurious.

And when you hold this up, the card will open♪

At the same time as you set it up, seven cards unfold as if they were dealt, and then they light up!

Furthermore, it blinks slowly, so it’s quite flashy!

The back of the card has this design.

This makes me feel so happy that I want to play this over and over again♪

This “Senor Sabotender’s Cane” can be obtained in exchange for MGP 100,000 at the Gold Saucer.

This is interesting and I surprisingly like it ♪

I recorded a video of the card unfolding!
So, this is the record of Gold Saucer’s white mage weapon “Senor Sabotender’s Cane“!

I feel like a gambler!