This is a record of the White Mage’s weapon “Warwolf Rod“.

Look! A new tree fairy has joined us♪

Oh, it’s the red flower version.

Like other tree fairies’ rod, it is asleep when it is carried on its back. Cute face.

The tip of the rod looks like a tree root.

And when you set it up, it will wake up! (lol)

very cute!

Then, they move their hands and open their mouths to speak.

It is a very elaborately made cane that also blinks.

The red flowers are large and quite conspicuous.

I wonder what kind of flower it is. Is it hibiscus?

By the way, this “Warwolf Rod” can be obtained in exchange for 1,000 PvP Wolf Mark.

This series is surprisingly diverse.

Yes, this cane seems to be the easiest to match with clothes, so I’m happy♪

I recorded a video of this thing talking by opening its mouth!
So, this is the record of the red flower talking tree fairy’s white mage weapon “Warwolf Rod“!

This is a weapon that will make white mage fun again♪