This is a record of the White Mage’s one-handed cane “Wand of Tremors“.

I’m here again!

Oh, Nori-chan, you have a pretty branch today, right?

Fufu, right? I longed for Y’shtola and was looking for a cute wooden cane, but I found one with flowers ♪

There are several of these types, right?

Oh yeah, there are some colors with flowers, but I thought these yellow buds were the cutest ♪

Fufu, the color of the costume is perfect!

A short wand with a beautiful balance of curved branches, leaves and buds.

This “Wand of Tremors” is a crafter production equipment, so it can be purchased on the market board.

Because it’s yellow … Is it a fragrant olive bud?

I feel a little different.

Fufu, I’m looking forward to what will bloom ♪

Video recording
So, it was a record of the cute yellow bud white mage one-handed cane “Wand of Tremors“.

See you!
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