This is a record of the White Mage weapon “Imperial Magitek Cane” available in The Tower of Babil.

I got a cane that my brother would like!

Oh, mechanical weapons!

And what’s more, it’s a chicken design♪

Is it a chicken ……? Maybe it looks like a peacock?

There is a valve-like object at the end of the handle.

Moreover, it stretches when you hold it up!

Wow, that mechanical chicken is so cool and cute♪

Overall oily atmosphere.

There are steam holes in places, and steam seems to be overflowing at any moment.

If you look closely, you can see some meters.

Is it a meter to measure vapor pressure?

Although the design is a bit steampunk-like, it is not too assertive, so it is easy to match with a variety of coordinates.

Fufu, this is a lovely treasure!

I recorded the growth in a video!
So, this is the record of the White Mage weapon “Imperial Magitek Cane” that can be obtained in The Tower of Babil.

White mage canes often have weathervane-like designs, don’t they?