This is a record of the warrior’s weapon “Imperial Magitek Axe” available at The Tower of Babil.

Wow, this is a nicely colored and cool weapon!

It’s a different color of “Chondrite Magitek Axe”.

Yeah, but I like this one more because the colors are classic.

In addition to the rotating saw, the power part that seems to blow out steam is very cool!

And this green meter part is a very nice accent, creating a very nostalgic atmosphere.

The structure is like the wheels of a steam locomotive.

The handle is simple.

It’s steampunk and cool ♪

When you hold it, the rotating saw will continue to rotate.

The blade is quite sharp.

Is this the part where fuel is put?

This “Imperial Magitek Axe” can be obtained at The Tower of Babil.

It looks like it’s sticky with some oil sprinkled on it.

Eh 💦

And this is no longer an axe.

Well, that’s true, but it’s okay if it’s so cool!

So, it was a record of the warrior’s weapon “Imperial Magitek Axe” that can be obtained at The Tower of Babil.
▼ Check out the video to see how the blade rotates!