This is a record of the warrior’s “Rotating Saw” axe “Chondrite Magitek Axe“.

Oh, it’s an axe with a novel design that has never been seen before!

It’s no longer an axe, right?

It is a weapon that has a blade like a gear and a mechanical structure.

The handle is simple.

Something like a meter is a little cute. Is it a meter that measures the pressure of steam?

It looks like a train wheel, doesn’t it?

And at the top is something like a tank that holds fuel for driving. It’s like a little factory, and it has a nostalgic atmosphere.

And when you hold the axe, the blade part rotates vigorously.

I don’t think you can see how it rotates in the photo, so please check it out in the video below!

It’s amazing! This is moving!

It ’s a mechanical weapon that you might like.

This “Chondrite Magitek Axe” is a crafter-made weapon, so it can also be purchased on the market board.

I got a cool treasure again ♪

So, it was a record of the warrior’s “Rotating Saw” axe “Chondrite Magitek Axe“.
▼ Please check the video to see how it rotates!