This is a record of the warrior’s weapon (Comedy Weapon) “Augmented Wrathgrinder“.

Oh, I got a really cool axe!


It is a weapon with a ring blade. Is it better to call it a rotary saw?

It’s so cool that it has gears and a steampunk feel!

Because it is mechanical and has a black coating, it is a magical rotating saw that is somewhat reminiscent of the Garemal Empire.

And surprisingly, when you hold it up, the blade rotates and the blade part becomes red hot!

Oh! cool!

The blade rotates, but then it stops. When fighting, does this attack by keeping the blade fixed?

It’s red hot so it looks pretty hot.

And there’s also fire coming from the rear.

Looks like it can attack with great force!

There is something that looks like a lever at the base.

Can I turn it on with this lever? nice!

It looks like Fellcleave will become even stronger.

Additionally, this “Augmented Wrathgrinder” can be obtained in exchange for Allagan Tomestone Poetics in Radz-at-Han or Old Sharlayan.

By the way, this is the work that won the grand prize in the weapon design contest.

Oh, it’s an adventurer design! amazing!

You have to thank the person who designed it.

I recorded the rotation in a video!
So, this is the record of the warrior’s weapon “Augmented Wrathgrinder“!

Thank you for creating such a cool weapon!