This is a record of Noriko’s favorite glamour, an arrangement of G’raha Tia’s Attire.

Ta-da! I quickly made a few adjustments to it♪

Fufu, you look lighter on your feet and even cuter.

Coordinates this time
- 【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Hair Ribbon
- 【Body】Ex-arch’s Jacket
- 【Hands】Ex-arch’s Bracers
- 【Legs】Pagos Culottes
- 【Feet】Tonberry Boots
This is a convenient glamour that can be worn for all jobs.
In this example, the hands are dyed Dalamud Red and the feet are dyed Dalamud Red x Snow White.

I put the usual ribbon, “Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Hair Ribbon,” on my head, and the default color matched the outfit perfectly.

The main G’raha torso equipment is a traveler-style outfit complete with a distinctive scarf.

Slightly ethnic accessories are very stylish!

I also dyed my hands red.

The back part also spreads out beautifully.

The knee-length socks give a slightly energetic look.

This is a costume that seems to suit any job. In this example, I’m using the Paladin’s Eureka weapons “Galatyn Anemos” and “Evalach Anemos.”

Hehe, so my “Crimson Traveler” outfit is complete♪

Together with your hairstyle, you look very boyish and cute!

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes this record of Noriko’s favorite G’raha costume arrangements and coordination!

Ehehe, this costume looks like it will come in handy♪