Oh no! Something amazing has happened!💦
Hmm? Why are you panicking like that?

Look, look! Sarah drew a mini character of me!

Wow, that’s amazing!

Amazingly, osara (@sarah_reon), who is well known for her mini character drawing, has drawn a mini character of Noriko-chan! Thank you so much! > <
Sarah is a lovely and wonderful illustrator who draws lots of mini adventurer characters!
▼ Sarah’s Web Page

Amazingly, she sometimes refers to this Norirow Note when drawing illustrations…
This time, she created a very cute mini character of Noriko!
And with my favorite costume and my favorite sword and shield.


I’m so touched ヽ(;▽;)ノ Thank you!
Take a look! The detailed drawing of this equipment! Not only is it cute, but the detail is amazing! I’m especially happy that the angel on the shield has a smiling face and I can’t help but grin.

What could be more gratifying?
What makes me happy is, of course, that she drew the mini character I’ve always admired, but I’m even happier that this Norirow Note has actually been useful to Sarah’s drawing.
I’m glad I’ve been writing my adventures every day!
I think this is a wonderful thing.
How can I put it, it’s a world that can only be connected because it’s online. A world that can only be connected because it’s an MMO.
A world where goodwill connects with goodwill and makes someone happy.
Such a warm world.
I’ve always thought that FF14 is a world where there is a lot of potential for the talents of two people to come together and create something new, not just inside the game but outside of it as well.
In the vast online ocean, she found our adventure diary.
A world like this that gives birth to new works and new connections.
I think it’s a truly wonderful world.
I hope that the world will continue to be a place where someone’s talent is connected with someone else’s, and everyone will be happy.

I’ve been crying with emotion for a long time. ・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。
Thank you so much, Sarah!
I’ll make this a family heirloom!