This is a record of the Paladin weapons “Riversbreath Longsword” and “Riversbreath Shield” that can be obtained from The Ihuykatumu.

I got some cool ethnic-style sword and shield!

It’s a Landsguard weapon.

Surprisingly, I quite like this atmosphere.

It features a natural design with shining metal in the center.

Is the material at the bottom bone?

The back appears to be made of wood.

The string decorations and fluffy details are surprisingly intricate and well made.

Is the sword also made of bone?

The well-worn look is quite cool.

It’s a wild design.

It’s quite thick, so it may be more of a weapon for crushing than cutting.

I really like the sound effect when I take aim.

It’s a sound that we don’t hear much anymore with modern metal weapons.

Yes, this would go well with my usual adventure clothes and I think it will come in handy♪

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes this record of the Paladin weapons “Riversbreath Longsword” and “Riversbreath Shield” that can be obtained at Ihuykatumu!

I really like the weapons in this dungeon!