This is a record of the Paladin’s Eureka Weapon (EW) fifth form of sword “Antea” & shield “Bellerophon“.

Oh, it’s kind of an unusual design for a sword and shield!

Maybe the cursed sword and shield.

What, is this cursed! 💦

The sword is designed like an arc-shaped falchion.

The jagged shape is quite distinctive.

It may be used like a saw. It may also be used to fight hooking with the inner blade.

The yellowish handle is a bit cute. There is also a heart-shaped molding near the hand guard.

Look closely, this is definitely the face of a demon, right? It’s got a heart, too. Maybe this sword is alive.

Eh 💦
The shields are also quite unique in design.

Although the decoration is luxurious, there is something a bit disastrous about it.

On both sides are the wings and hands of a demon, with a whisker-like growth, and I’m pretty sure it’s another cursed shield.

Eh 💦
Incidentally, the whisker-like part is built three-dimensionally.

This is an unusual name, or rather, a name that’s hard to pronounce.

I think “Bellerophon” on the shield is from the name of a hero in Greek mythology, but I wonder what “Antea” is. …… I wonder if it is still from Greek mythology?

Dyeing Patterns
The color of the black area changes.
Original Color

Snow White

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Celeste Green

If you change the color, the image changes a lot, doesn’t it? The disaster is gone and it becomes a noble ornament at once!

But no matter how much you change the look of this thing, you’re so weak that I’m pretty sure you’ll still fall under the curse.

Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll) Garoon

▼ The movements involved were recorded on video!
So, these are the records of Paladin’s fifth form of Eureka Weapon, “Antea” & “Bellerophon“!

Finally, the Eureka Weapon will be in its final form in the next issue ♪