This is a record of “Thyrus“, the AF1 weapon of the White Mage and the first form of Zodiac Weapon (ZW).

It’s a wand with a mysterious design, isn’t it?

Is it an angel bird?

It is a cane that combines cleanliness and luxury with a gold color scheme based on white. The feather decoration is very mysterious.

Is it a little animal-like design while having a high-class feel to the tip?

When you hold it, the crystal-like stone in the center glows with a “keen” sound.

I like it because it has holy power.

Check out the video below to see the sound effects and how they shine!

This “Thyrus” is one of the legendary weapons called “Relic“.

Zodiac Weapon (AW) is the first stage, so if you proceed with the story of Zodiac Weapon, you can get it at a relatively early stage.

And, as this “Thyrus” evolves, it will have a glowing effect.

I’m excited just to have the legendary “Relic” weapon.

But you can’t handle white mage.

Ugh 💦 That’s right …

So, it was a record of the white mage Zodiac Weapon (ZW) first form “Thyrus“.
▼ Check out the video to see the sound effects and the glowing crystals!