This is a record of the White Mage Wand “Dzemael Whispering Rod” available at Dzemael Darkhold.

This is “Dark Brown-chan”!

yeah? “Dark Brown-chan”?

It’s a dark brown tree fairy, so Dark Brown-chan!

Fufu, it’s a pretty name.

This cane has something like a face and hands, and it seems that it is sleeping when it is carried on its back …

He wakes up when I hold the cane!

He’s so cute!

The tip of the cane is like a root.

He will talk ♪

It seems that he is really talking about something, as he moves his hands and makes his mouth flutter.

Sometimes he also blinks.

I don’t think you can see how it moves with just the photos, so please check it out in the video below.

Really, he’s so cute!

In addition, this “Dzemael Whispering Rod” can be obtained at Dzemael Darkhold.

Fufu, I’m glad to have more friends ♪

Video recording
I recorded the movement in the video.

Dark Brown-chan is so cute!
So, it was a record of the white mage weapon “Dzemael Whispering Rod” of Dzemael Darkhold.
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