This is a record of the mechanical mount “Magitek Death Claw.”

Wow, I got a mechanical mount! Yay💦

I’m glad for you… hahaha, you’re being held captive by the machine. lol

This is very Norirow-san-like and funny.

It’s carried by a mechanical hand-shaped mount, held between the fingertips. lol

But it does look a bit like a shell.

At the back, there are blades like the legs of a hermit crab, which move smoothly.

There is a propeller inside that can change direction. I guess this is what provides the thrust?

When viewed from above, it does look like a shell.

The claws look sharp and strong.

This was originally an ancient weapon from Allagan!

The people of Allagan made some interesting robots. lol

This “Magitek Death Claw” can be obtained from Jonathas in Gridania in exchange for six Achievement Certificate.

When I first saw this I thought it was a strange robot, but it’s starting to look pretty cool to me!

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes the record of the mechanical hand-shaped mount, the “Magitek Death Claw“!
But I guess it’s just a joke. lol
