This is a record of Viper’s dual-wielding weapon, the Augmented Lunar Envoy’s Saberfangs.

Wow, I got a really beautiful sword!

Thanks to the graphics update, the design has a strong metallic feel.

When held in a stance, the blade glows blue and pulses slowly, as if breathing.

Since it’s the Lunar Envoy series, the moon is surely the motif.

Crescent-shaped designs can be seen in places.

Is the blue light from the blade the night sky?

It’s a slightly thick sword.

This is what it looks like when connected.

Staining Pattern
The color of the blue glowing part will change.
Snow White

Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

The Augmented Lunar Envoy’s Saberfangs can be obtained in Old Sharlayan or Radz-at-Han in exchange for Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.

By the way, the black part in the center looks like a black hole.

Huh? A black hole?!💦

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes our record of Viper’s crescent-shaped dual-wielding weapon, the “Augmented Lunar Envoy’s Saberfangs“!

Well, in any case, it’s a mysterious weapon!💦