This is a record of Viper’s dual-wielding weapon, the “Bismuth Twinfangs.”

Wow, I got a cool dual-wielding sword!

It’s a mechanical weapon that you might like.

What’s amazing about this is that it transforms and stretches when you hold it!

When you carry it on your back, it’s a short dagger, but when you hold it, the blade rotates around…

And it stretches! And what’s even cooler is that the purple part lights up and flashes!

But the transformation doesn’t really come across in the photo…

Check out the video below to see how it transforms.

The overall design is mechanical, and the nozzle-like parts create a nice atmosphere.

The design is a bit like a gunblade.

The top of the blade is also decorated with a noble ornament.

Nice, this will broaden the range of outfits I can wear.

In addition, since the Bismuth Twinfangs is a crafted weapon, it can also be purchased from the market board.

I really like weapons that have little shiny parts like this!

The transformation was recorded on video!
So that concludes Viper’s transforming dual-wielding weapon, the Bismuth Twinfangs!

Electronic weapons are the best!