This is a record of Norirow’s favorite scouting glamours.

I was thinking about a glamour for the Viper.

Fufu, you’re working hard as a Viper right now.

Coordinates this time
- 【Body】Augmented Cryptlurker’s Corselet of Scouting
- 【Hands】Augmented Cryptlurker’s Vambraces of Scouting
- 【Legs】Wake Doctor’s Bottoms
- 【Feet】Raptorskin Moccasins
This is a scouting outfit for Vipers, Ninjas, etc.
In this example, the body and hands are dyed straight gray, and the legs are dyed charcoal gray.

This outfit is really cool, I’ve always wanted to wear it.

It’s a very elegant costume, with a very stylish collar.

The ruffles on the sleeves also give off an elegant vibe.

The footwear is coordinated to look a little more elegant.

But overall it looks a bit shabby, it gives off the vibe of a fallen aristocrat.

Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)garoon, at least call me an outlaw…

Incidentally, here he is holding Viper’s weapon, the Hellhound Twinfangs, dyed Snow White.

Wouldn’t it be cool to wear goggles?

This is a Replica Sky Pirate’s Mask of Scouting dyed in straight grey. The lens has a great feel!

Fufu, goggles aside, I think it suits you and is a pretty cool glamour.

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes this record of Norirow-san’s favorite outfits for scouting!

Alright, now I’ll do my best with Viper!