This is the record of The Maelstrom’s shield “Maelstrom Escutcheon“.

I got the stylish shield of Limsa Lominsa♪

Oh, it’s a small round shield with The Maelstrom’s mark on it… And are there any letters written on it?

It looks like it’s written like this.

Till Sea Swallows
Till Sea Swallows ALL Foreign Levy

what does that mean?

“Till Sea Swallows ALL” is like the slogan of the Maelstrom that is also used in the name of the quest.

“Foreign Levy” probably means something like “recruitment (soldiers) from foreigners = adventurer unit”?

I see, that’s why it’s a shield for adventurers!

Also, a shield with a perfect design for the Maelstrom Sword “Storm Officer’s Cutlass“.

This “Maelstrom Escutcheon” can be obtained along with the title “The Ruby Anchor“, which is obtained by earning 500,000 Storm Seals in the Maelstrom.

It’s small, so it’s light and easy to handle, and above all, it’s cute.

Is it a cute and fashionable pirate style?

Yeah, and I’m happy that this can be equipped not only by paladins, but also by white mages and black mages!
▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that’s it for the record of the Maelstrom’s Shield “Maelstrom Escutcheon“.

See you soon!
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