This is a record of the Paladin weapons “Archeo Kingdom Broadsword” and “Archeo Kingdom Scutum“.

Ta-da! I got a cool classic sword and shield ♪

Wow, that’s a pretty big sword and shield.

The shield is quite large, as befits its name, Scutum.

The gorgeous decoration and the red jewel in the center stand out.

The three-dimensional frame decoration arranged around the shield is also gorgeous.

Hmm, I feel like I’ve seen this creature-like decoration at the top somewhere before…

The sword is also large, thick, and hook-shaped.

A beautiful triangular pattern appears on the blade. It gives the impression of being more decorative than practical.

Ah, is this perhaps the “Golden Dhyata”?

What? A flying mechanical doll?!

No, I think that’s probably not it…

Dyeing Patterns
The color changes slightly.
Snow White

Snow White × Snow White

Dalamud Red × Snow White

By the way, the Archeo Kingdom Broadsword and Archeo Kingdom Scutum are crafted weapons, so they can be purchased on the market board.

It’s kind of cool, like a royal knight!

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes this record of the Paladin’s new weapons, the Archeo Kingdom Broadsword and the Archeo Kingdom Scutum!

See you soon!