This is a record of the samurai weapon “Archeo Kingdom Samurai Blade.”

Ta-da! I got a really cool sword♪

Wow, what a gorgeous Western sword.

It is a sword with very noble decorations.

The sheath also has a noble design.

Wow, if you look closely, you’ll see a cute flower decoration on the end of the sheath♪

The red jewels scattered here and there are also lovely.

The blade is very sharp and practical.

It looks more like a knight’s sword than a samurai’s weapon.

This will likely broaden the scope of samurai outfits.

At first glance it looks like a saber, but it’s also a straight sword, which is its defining feature.

Dyeing Patterns
① changes the color of the gem and part of the blade, and ② changes the color of part of the sheath.
Original Color

Snow White

Dalamud Red

Dalamud Red x Dalamud Red

By the way, this “Archeo Kingdom Samurai Blade” is a crafted weapon so it is also available on the market board.

I like it, it looks like the sword of a knight protecting a princess, it’s very beautiful♪

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes the record of the “Archeo Kingdom Samurai Blade,” a samurai weapon with an antique Western sword design!

See you soon!