This is a record of Monk’s fighting weapons “Senju Shin” and “Senju Kai“.

Oh, this is just an iron claw!

It ’s a pretty impactful weapon.

First of all, this is “Senju Shin“

It is a Japanese style iron nail that seems to be very strong.

I wonder if Senju Kannon is the origin of the name.

So maybe it’s Japanese style.

There is a samurai-like crest.

It’s like a Sengoku samurai helmet.

The nail part seems to be thick and strong.

By the way, the place to get this “Senju Shin” is Doma Castle.

It’s a perfect place for this name ♪

This “Senju Shin” cannot be dyed, but the “Senju Kai” of the same design can be dyed.
“Senju Kai” can be obtained in exchange for the Centurio Seal at Ms. Yolaine in Ishgard.
Comparison and dyeing pattern
“Shin” is based on black, but “Kai” is based on purple.
Senju Shin

Senju Kai (Original Color)

Senju Kai (Snow White)

Senju Kai (Bone White)

Senju Kai (Rust Red)

The purple color of “Kai” is also cool, but I wonder if I like the classic feeling of “Shin”.

This seems to come in handy because it seems to be surprisingly easy to match with any clothes ♪

So, it was a record of the monk fighting weapons “Senju Shin” and “Senju Kai“.
▼ Please check the video for the movement when equipped!