This is a record of the minion “Private Pachypodium” available in Eureka Orthos.

A very cute minion became a friend ♪


It certainly looks like that mount, but…

But it must be a mandragora, right?

This one has a very cute face.

There is something like an antenna on the head.

And sometimes it jumps up and down.

As expected, it is a relic of Allag, so it has a jumping height.

This is so cute when it runs!

Cute, but this is a bomb.

Underling to Gancanagh, this pachypodium mine had hidden itself for an ambush, but it burrowed too deep into the ground and missed its chance to detonate. Subsequently released from military service, it appears to be enjoying its newfound freedom.
From the minion official commentary

💦 Ah, the person who was at the boss on the 10th floor of Eureka Orthos!
*Gancanagh is the 10th floor boss of Eureka Orthos.

By the way, it’s pretty bright, so it’s noticeable at night.

Was there a Mandragora in the time of Allag?

Assuming that it was created by the ancients, it wouldn’t be strange to be in the Allag era.

I see!
This “Private Pachypodium” is a minion that can be obtained in Eureka Orthos, but it can be bought and sold, so you can also purchase it on the market board.

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that’s it for the record of Eureka Orthos’s minion “Private Pachypodium“.

I’m so happy to have a cute minion as a friend♪