This is a record of the minion “Drippy” available at Matoya’s Relict.

Wow, it’s so cute ♪

It’s kind of fairy tale.

It has a body like a drop of water and is always fluffy.

The cane she holds in her hand is also cute.

With a glossy body, the background is reflected … it looks like.

I feel that what is reflected differs depending on the location.

From time to time, she moves back and forth and left and right to dance.

The movement is very cute ♪
I don’t think the movement can be seen only in the photos, so please check it out in the video below.

The size of the Lalafell ratio is like this.

She looks pretty bright at night because her body is shining.

By the way, the big Nixie who will fight in Matoya’s Relict is a familiar made by Y’shtola.

Fufu, the Trust System conversation you can hear at Matoya’s Relict is interesting ♪

This young nixie began life as rainwater that fell in Abalathia’s Spine, and later found its way to Matoya’s Relict via the Thaliak River. Having witnessed its elder kin summarily dispatched by the Warrior of Light, it decided to follow the age-
old adage of “If one cannot beat them, one must needs join them.”
From the official Minion commentary

She’s the same adventurer as us!

So, it was a record of the minion “Drippy” who will be a companion at Matoya’s Relict.
▼ Check out the video to see how the minions move!