This is a record of Ambystoma’s minion “Axolotl Eft“.

Wow, a very cute minion has become a friend ♪

It’s an Ambystoma.

A small minion of Ambystoma that I saw somewhere.

A little underbite is cute.

Is it a slimy feeling because it is an aquatic organism?

It’s also like Namazu.

Eh, it’s completely different, Namingway-chan! (But I don’t know the actual ecology well)

Well, the scientific term ‘Ambystoma’ is a type of salamander, so it’s definitely different.

Sometimes it pops up softly.

By the way, what is “axolotl” in this commentary?

This is the fish you can catch at The Pappus Tree in Azys Lla.

It lives in Azys Lla, so it’s been there since the Allag days? If you think about it, it must be a creature that has been around since ancient times, and it’s kind of emotional…

So, I printed it out anyway.


By the way, this minion, Axolotl Eft, is available in The Bozjan Southern Front, but it’s tradeable, so you can buy it on the market board.
The same type of mount “Megaloambystoma” is available at Pandæmonium: Anabaseios (Savage) 4.

Minions and mounts have slightly different ear shapes.

Is that an “ear”…?

I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that’s it for the record of the cute little Ambystoma minion “Axolotl Eft“.

See You”