This is a record of the costume “Summoner” series called “vintage equipment” due to the different colors of the summoner’s AF1 equipment (Lv50 artifact equipment).

It’s a different color from yesterday’s outfit!

This one is somewhat darker and crisper.

Summoner’s Vintage Gear
- 【Head】Summoner’s Horn
- 【Body】Summoner’s Doublet
- 【Hands】Summoner’s Ringbands
- 【Legs】Summoner’s Waistclout
- 【Feet】Summoner’s Thighboots
These can be obtained by advancing the summoner’s job quest to Lv50.

Headgear is a big big horn.

Not only is the color different from the “Evoker” series, but the tip of the corner also has a black pattern.

The body equipment is a very beautiful dark green.

I love this color ♪

Very cute little wings.

The hand equipment is asymmetrical, and the half glove on the right hand is fashionable.

There is a dragon accessory on the left waist.

On the right hip is a small book and something like a potion. Cute little tail too.

Surprisingly, this costume has a slightly sexy feel to the chest and feet.

The overall design is quite luxurious.

Come to think of it, doesn’t the “Summoner” in this costume mean exactly that of a summoner? What does yesterday’s “Evoker” mean?

It seems to mean “one who uses illusion”.

I see! Certainly, summoning has an illusory image.

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that was the record of the “Summoner” series with different colors of the summoner’s AF1 equipment.

See You!