This is a record of the Bard’s AF1 costume (equipment for Lv50 jobs) “Choral” series.

I got AF equipment ♪

Oh, it’s an outfit that didn’t really suit Norirow-san.

Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)Garoon

Bard’s AF1 Equipment
- 【Head】Choral Chapeau
- 【Body】Choral Shirt
- 【Hands】Choral Ringbands
- 【Legs】Choral Tights
- 【Feet】Choral Sandals
These can be obtained by clearing bard Lv50 job quests.

Head equipment A rather large elegant hat.

The point is that there are gold and feather decorations on the inside.

And the body equipment is cute green clothes.

I think it’s cute with forest-like colors, but it’s a little embarrassing because there are a lot of exposed parts unexpectedly💦

The back is also quite boldly open.

There is a very stylish accessory for the hand part.

Is the waist a little Thavnair style?

And above all, these red and blue tights stand out.

The heels of the shoes are gold and have a luxurious feel.

Norirow-san didn’t really suit, but it’s cute when Noriko-chan wears it.

There is no doubt about it💦.

I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that was the record of the bard’s AF1 equipment “Choral” series!

It’s like a forest musician, so cute, isn’t it?