The costume that Alisaie was wearing in the Shadowbringers edition was cute, so I tried to imitate it.

The costumes of everyone at The Scions of the Seventh Dawn are getting more and more cute.

This Alisaie-like torso equipment is “Astral Silk Doublet of Healing.” The same design for “Chivalric Doublet of Healing.” Both are equipment made by Weaver crafters and can be purchased on the market board.
“Astral Silk Doublet of Healing” and “Chivalric Doublet of Healing” have the same design and the performance does not change so much, so it is strange that they exist separately.

The set I’m wearing here is …
- 【Head】Augmented Ironworks Optics of Healing
- 【Body】Astral Silk Doublet of Healing
- 【Hand】Saurian Gloves of Healing(Shale Brown)
- 【Legs】YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Healing
- 【Feet】Idealized Arbatel Thighboots(Snow White)

Isn’t “Augmented Ironworks Optics of Healing” like The Scions of the Seventh Dawn ?

This “Astral Silk Doublet of Healing” (Chivalric Doublet of Healing) has a very cute decoration on the chest.

A lot of items are equipped around the waist.

I like clothes that have a bag or have various things because they have a sense of adventure.

The sleeve design is also a little bird-like and cute.

But it’s actually different compared to Alisaie.

That’s right, I’m sure it’s an Alisaie custom specification.
The colors are a little different, and the accessories on the chest and the design of the sleeves are also different.

In addition, although this is equipment for healers, there is also “Astral Silk Doublet of Casting” (Chivalric Doublet of Casting) for casters in different colors.

So, it was an introduction of coordination that resembled Shadowbringers version of Alisaie’s costume.
▼ Please check the video for the detailed movements of the costumes !