This is a summary record of all stages of Monk’s Manderville Weapon (MW).

Monk’s MW was also very varied and interesting♪
It had a huge impact from the beginning.

So without further ado, here’s a summary of Monk’s Manderville Weapon!
First stage: Manderville
The first form, “Manderville Knuckles,” is a fighting weapon shaped like a dragon’s head!

Wow, it’s a dragon!
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It’s a bit like a lion dance, isn’t it?

Second stage: Amazing
The second form, “Amazing Manderville Knuckles“, has the same design as the first form, with a blue-based glowing effect added!

This could be Seiryu! ?
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It’s cute how they lip sync when they’re setting up.

Third stage: Majestic
The third form, “Majestic Manderville Fists“, evolves into a simple glowing fist!

I feel like monks are really strong at fighting with their fists!
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It’s good that you’re wearing gloves from the beginning.

Final stage: Mandervillous
The final form of “Mandervillous Fists” has changed its design again and evolved into a mechanical glowing fist!

Wow, I’ve become a cyborg!
Click here for detailed records!
The glowing blade looks strong.

Video recording
I recorded the glowing effect in a video!

Dragons are interesting, but the last one looks like a space assassin and is really cool!
What is Space Assassin?

So, that’s the summary of Monk’s Manderville Weapon!