This is a summary record of all 19 jobs of Manderville Weapon (MW) 2nd form.

Yay! It’s complete!
It evolved from the first stage and became glowing, and many of them have a refreshing color scheme overall.

Yes Yes! It’s not an exaggeration to say that this is the perfection of MW, it’s such a wonderful evolution!
▼ The 3rd form is here!
Let’s start with the records for all 19 jobs!
*I don’t think you can get a sense of the glowing effect from just a photo, so check it out in the video below!
Paladin’s “Amazing Manderville Sword” & “Amazing Manderville Kite Shield“ are chic swords and shields with cool red effects!

Oh, I like the wing effect!

It has a dark fantasy feel to it.

▼ Details are summarized here!
The warrior’s “Amazing Manderville Axe“ has a wild design, but it’s a refreshing ax with a blue effect on a white background!

A white axe is rare!

It’s kind of like Death’s axe.

▼ Details are summarized here!
Dark Knight
The Dark Knight’s “Amazing Manderville Zweihander“ has also turned white into a beautiful large sword with blue gems!

This is another precious dark sword that has undergone refreshing evolution!

The blue effect is beautiful!

▼ Details are summarized here!
Gunbreaker’s “Amazing Manderville Gunblade“ is also a white-based sporty gunblade!

After all revolver type is cool♪

I like that the cylinder is slanted.

▼ Details are summarized here!
White Mage
The white mage’s “Amazing Manderville Cane“ is an angel’s winged cane with a beautiful green effect!

It’s rare for a white mage to be green, right?

Green is associated with the image of a scholar.

▼ Details are summarized here!
The scholar’s “Amazing Manderville Codex” is a wonderful book with blue and noble crests!

It’s very rare for a scholar to be blue, and this is cool!

It’s cute and nice to have a rainbow over it.

▼ Details are summarized here!
The astrologer’s “Amazing Manderville Torquetum” is a refreshing celestial globe with green on a white background!

The leaf effect is cute!

The twinkling stars are flying and it’s so beautiful.

▼ Details are summarized here!
Sage’s ‘Amazing Manderville Milpreves‘ now glows red with large jewel-like Nouriths!

The effect like a cross is cool!

From a distance, it looks like a flower.

▼ Details are summarized here!
Monk’s “Amazing Manderville Knuckles“ is a melee weapon that glows blue with the motif of a dragon’s head!

It’s glowing and it’s getting stronger and stronger!

This is cute with this mouth opening and closing.

▼ Details are summarized here!
The Dragoon’s “Amazing Manderville Spear“ is a white spear with a red effect!

The white spear is also rare and refreshing!

The red on white background made it look more and more devilish.

▼ Details are summarized here!
Ninja’s “Amazing Manderville Knives“ is a bewitching twin sword that glows red!

The Japanese-Western style design is wonderful!

It looks like a demon sword, so you probably won’t be able to handle it.

▼ Details are summarized here!
Samurai’s “Amazing Manderville Samurai Blade“ is a pure Japanese sword that glows red!

This is also a rare katana with a white scabbard.

It might be a valuable color scheme that is unlikely to happen.

▼ Details are summarized here!
The Reaper’s “Amazing Manderville Scythe“ is a scythe wrapped in bandages, like “Chu-ni”!

This could be the coolest scythe!

Although it is a “Chuni” design, the green effect is refreshing and nice

▼ Details are summarized here!
The bard’s “Amazing Manderville Harp Bow” is a rare bow with floating effects on the arrow!

The effect on the arrow looks really strong!

The texture of this bow is also very beautiful.

▼ Details are summarized here!
Machinist’s “Amazing Manderville Revolver“ is a revolver-type small gun with a blue effect floating on a white background!

Such a refreshing gun is rare!

The effect is nice and clean.

▼ Details are summarized here!
Dancer’s “Amazing Manderville Chakrams“ is a throwing weapon that glows red on a white background!

It has evolved so nicely!

Originally it had a sense of luxury, but it feels like it has a sense of cleanliness.

▼ Details are summarized here!
Black Mage
The black mage’s “Amazing Manderville Rod“ is a staff designed with a celestial body like the sun!

The transparent effect is beautiful!

It’s a unique effect like no other.

▼ Details are summarized here!
The summoner’s “Amazing Manderville Index“ is a large book with the effect of a blue dragon!

This is a cool effect!

I like how the dragon on the cover of the book stands out as it is.

▼ Details are summarized here!
Red Mage
The red mage’s “Amazing Manderville Rapier” is also a rare sword that glows blue!

It’s rare that the blade is blue!

The effect around the handguard is beautiful and nice.

▼ Details are summarized here!
Video recording
I recorded the glowing effect in the video!
That’s it for the second stage of the Manderville Weapon for all 19 jobs!

All of them are just wonderful evolutions, and this was worth the effort!
You’ve become an astronomy maniac. lol (It was “astronomy” back then)
