This is the “Organum,” which is the first appearance in the evolutionary process of scholar Eureka Weapon (EW).
This is exactly the same as the scholar AF3 weapon “Antiquated Organum.” (AF3 weapon is the base)
The appearance is the same from Antiquated Organum to Organum to Organum +1 to Organum +2.

It’s a very cute book.

It’s a little too cute and it doesn’t look good on you.

Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)Oh

A magical calligraphy with a cushioned pearl white cover and many decorative items.

In addition to the medal, there is also something like a perfume bottle, which is quite luxurious.

Color… Kana… Because the color is such pearl white, I wonder if it doesn’t suit me…

There are letters and paper knives inside the book, and it looks like a big notebook.

It’s quite thick.

The content written is a simple formula.

You see, I look cool when I have a dignified face ? This book looks good on me, right ?

Soon your face is loose.

In addition, since “Eureka Weapon (EW)” in the third stage of the weapon strengthening quest can be relatively easily evolved compared to “Zodiac Weapon (ZW)” and “Anima Weapon (AW)” so far. I highly recommend it.

This time, it seems to have a wide range of tastes, from cute designs to cool designs.
▼ Please check the textures in the video too !