* May your Eorzean days be filled with happiness ! :) *

Characters: The Note family

I found a wonderful treasure today.
I found a wonderful treasure today.



Introducing the people who appear in this “Norirow Note”!

Three members of a certain Note family leave daily records in this Note.

*Norirow Note.。.:*


Hello !

An adventurer who lives quietly in the remote forest.

He’s always out on treasure hunt adventures with Namingway.

As he saw many treasures, he thought that if he carefully selected and recorded truly wonderful treasures, it might be useful to someone someday, so he began to leave this memoir.

He has quite a habit of collecting, and if there is a treasure he wants, he will be so absorbed in his quest that he often doesn’t go home. Each time he is scolded by his sister Noriko.

He is timid. But he also has a competitive side.

He has changed his main job quite a lot in his adventures so far. He went through Warriors, Dark Knights, Machinists, Gunbreakers, Scholars, Reapers, etc., and now he mainly plays Paladins (Inspired by Noriko-chan). When he finds equipment that he likes, he has a habit of changing his main job accordingly.

Also, he is not good at magic.

For some reason, he has a complex about being a Lalafell boy.



yeah? what is this?

Probably the Loporrits.

Their first encounter was when he was being attacked by a monster. Norirow happened to be passing by, and the two of them ran away. Since then, the two have been going on adventures together.

The most dependable person in the family. A little dry.

Recently, he has also accompanied Noriko on her adventures. He’s practically the most adventurous and fairly experienced in the Family.

And he knows things. He knows a lot about the origins of the names of weapons and equipment, as they bear the name “Namingway.”

Calling Norirow “Norirow-san” is not a form of respect, it’s just a nickname.

He runs away when I try to pet him. Quite a “Tsundere.”

*Noriko Note.。.:*


Ta-da !

Norirow’s younger sister. Compared to her brother, she is quite sociable, lively, steady and bright.

Her favorite phrase is “I am strong!”

She started adventuring out of disgust with her timid brother, but as she followed in her brother’s footsteps, she found out about his many harsh adventures and successes, and seems to have reconsidered her brother a bit. Since then, she wants to be with her brother all the time, but every day she is frustrated by her brother who doesn’t come home easily once he goes out.

Unlike her older brother, she is not too attached to treasures, and thinks that as long as she has a few cute things, that’s enough. She especially likes green things.

When building the house for her siblings, she asked her brother to make the interior mainly green. She also made her brother build the bath and kitchen, saying they were essential, but she is still learning to cook and is actually not very good at it.

Her main job is Paladin. She also enjoys being a White Mage, and recently, she seems to be practicing as a Bard and a Dancer with the aim of becoming an “adventurer who can sing and dance.”

She is a hardcore “Tsundere”.