The white body is cool !
☞『White Devil』

This mount is a “FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Store” billing item, but Magitek Armor you get in the story is in a different color, so why not buy it? lol

I think this is a really cool aircraft.
The cockpit is also cool ✨

The engine part is also cool!

Above all, Magitek Armor has a cool moment when it takes off.

Because it transforms !

Do you think it’s cool to see this aircraft stow its legs and take off? ?
The coolness that makes me fall in love even when seen from behind ✨

It’s a white body that’s great for mecha lovers, and it’s a recommended mount.

This masterpiece of imperial ingenuity is the selfsame suit of warmachina operated by XIVth Legion tribunus Livia sas Junius in the Garlean Empire’s subjugation of Othard’s southern reaches. (From official commentary)

And it’s a white devil! It’s a white devil!
What a sweet sound!

I love this kind of thing ✨
You’re a Machinist.

Summary of billing items