This is a record of the mount “Qeziigural” that can be obtained from treasure map G17.

Look! A really cool golem has joined us♪

Wow, it’s kind of shining gold, isn’t it?

It’s a treasure map golem after all…

This “Qeziigural” can be exchanged for Solution Nine by collecting three “Twilight Gemstone” that can be obtained from treasure map G17. It can also be bought and sold, so it is available on the market board.

He has gold decorations all over his body.

I’m sitting on the golem’s back.

The feathers are shining purple and are beautiful!

Since it’s a golem, is its body made of stone?

There’s also a purple gem on the end of its tail! If you look closely, you can see that it’s separated, which gives it a mysterious feel.

Since it is always floating on the ground, its position does not change much when flying.

Its purple feathers are large and very elegant.

Hehe, it’s a mount born from the Golden Ruins, so it feels luxurious♪

Did you collect the Twilight Gemstone using a treasure map?

Well, I got one from the map, and two from the market board gathering area♪

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes the record of mount “Qeziigural” on treasure map G17!

The market board gathering area is full of treasures♪ (lol)