A two-seater mount “Whale” that can be purchased at the FINAL FANTASY XIV online store.

It’s a huge mount !

I’m always surprised when I call this mount because it’s too big.

The large body is covered with rugs, and there is an elegant setting with a table and drinks, just like a living room.

If you look closely, you will find a small living space with plants, globes, and many lamps.

Somehow I went on a trip with my room! I feel like that.

This mount is too big, it’s more like a house than a room.

Pods of these massive wavekin are believed to traverse the Indigo Deep for thousands of malms in pursuit of food. Why they would choose to limit themselves to the confines of the sea despite possessing the capacity for aether-assisted flight is a mystery scholars have pondered for centuries.(From the official commentary)

Either way, it’s definitely an elegant trip !

And they also carry a luggage compartment…

oh ?
There are Maelstrom and Immortal Flames bench chests, but not Order of the Twin Adder bench chests…

why ? ? ?
Norirow-san is a Order of the Twin Adder, so you shouldn’t ride it…? lol

Summary of billing items