This is a record of the mount ‘Warlion‘, available with the paladin achievement ‘But Somebody’s Gotta Do It (Paladin)‘.

Wow, a very reliable mount has joined us!

Jungle Emperor Leo?

A lion that is covered with pure white fur.

The face is brave, but the round eyes are also a little cute.

The body looks pretty strong.

The lion’s tail is so cute♪

In the case of Lalafell boys, only the left hand is attached when stopping … …

When the mount starts running, the Lalafell boy is grabbed with both hands.

The way he runs is very brave and graceful.

He looks like a big cat

When it jumps up, it’s adorable with its arms and legs dangling.

It seems surprisingly quiet.

Fufu, at first glance I thought it looked scary, but I’m sure it’s a gentle lion♪

In addition, this “Warlion” can be obtained with the achievement “But Somebody’s Gotta Do It (Paladin)” when completing 200 high-level duties as a paladin.

He seems to be from the Near East, but where is the Near East?

I wonder if it’s something around Thavnaire.

I see! I feel like Radz-at-Han!

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that’s it for the paladin’s achievement reward mount “Warlion“!

I’m so happy that this cute mount is joining us♪