This is a record of the beast tribes quest “Ixali” wolf mount “Direwolf“.

This wolf looks scary at first glance, but it’s surprisingly cute and I like it.

White eyes are a little scary …

It’s a pretty slender wolf.

In the case of Lalafell, when waiting, I stretches may back and puts may hands on may knees in a good posture.

But when I start running, I grab it properly. Peace of mind ♪

The way of running is dynamic and it’s kind of cute.

It’s a little anime-like comical way of running. I think it’s difficult to convey the movement in the photos, so please check it out in the video below.

If you look closely, you can see that the same thing as the collar is on both hands and feet, it’s a little fashionable.

Mass cullings of the beasts during the Sixth Astral Era prompted naturalists to deem the species extinct. However, this claim was proved false when Ixali scouts discovered a lone pack roaming the sparsely inhabited mountains of Xelphatol.
From the official mount commentary

Fufu, after all it is written that it is obedient. It’s a cute wolf ♪

And “Dire Wolf” is also an actual extinct species that lived 300,000 years ago.

300,000 years ago! ?? 💦

In addition, this mount “Direwolf” will be available for purchase for 120,000 gil if you complete the beast tribes quest “Ixali”.

It’s pretty expensive 💦

By the way, there are quite a few equipments called “Direwolf XX” in this world. Maybe it’s made from these wolves …

eh! That’s no, the wolf looks sorry … I’ll never use it anymore 💦

No, it might be the equipment that these wolves are crafting and making by hand.

Oh, what’s that? … Then I can use it with a warm feeling, right?

So, it was a record of the Ixal tribe mount “Direwolf“.
▼ Please check the video for cute movements!