This is a record of the “Outsider” series, which is the initial equipment of the Gunbreaker (can it be expressed as AF2 because it is a job-only equipment of Lv60?).

It’s a pretty wild rider’s outfit.

It’s more like a western drama than a rider’s style.

Gunbreaker AF2 (Lv60) initial equipment
- 【Head】Outsider’s Circlet
- 【Body】Outsider’s Jacket
- 【Hands】Outsider’s Gloves
- 【Legs】Outsider’s Chaps
- 【Feet】Outsider’s Boots
- 【Weapon】High Steel Gunblade
These can be obtained in the first quest of Gunbreaker.
The head equipment is a simple circlet.

If this was worn by Norirow-san, it would be just a HACHIMAKI.

Eh 💦
The torso equipment is a wild leather jacket with a large open collar. The neck pendant is a set.

There are a lot of cuts and it’s pretty cool. The waist is equipped with a cartridge case.

There is a pouch on the arm.

There is a leather coin case on the right side of the waist.

Oops, there’s something like a grenade on my waist 💦

You are a pretty dangerous person.

The leather waistband is quite fashionable cutting.

Look! The boots have a pretty western design! The heel is jagged!

This seems to be a “spur” for horseback riding, right?

Rather than a rider’s style, it may be an image of the Western drama era.

The early weapon was the classic design gunblade “High Steel Gunblade“

A simple revolver type gunblade.

I’m glad that the initial equipment of the new job is pretty cool.

So, it was a record of the AF2 (initial equipment) “Outsider” series of Gunbreaker.
▼ Please check the video for the movement of the fabric!