This is a record of the White Mage weapon “Skydeep Cane” that can be obtained from The Skydeep Cenote (95ID).

Ta-da! I got another mechanical-looking cane♪

Wow, it looks kind of cool, like a relic from an ancient, advanced civilization.

What’s nice is that the ribbon is wrapped differently on the front and back.

When you aim it, part of it glows purple.

Wow, it looks like it’s turned on, that’s cool.

The matte metal texture is nice again, isn’t it?

Is the color a little closer to gunmetal?

If you look closely, you can see that the tip of the handle also glows purple.

By the way, this is a different color of “Ronkan Cane“

I see! Is this a relic from Ronka?

Dyeing Patterns
① changes the color of the gold part, and ② changes the color of the ribbon.
Snow White

Snow White x Snow White

Dalamud Red x Cream Yellow

Cream Yellow x Cream Yellow

Lavender Blue x Cream Yellow

I feel like I often find mechanical artifacts like this in ancient ruins, but I wonder if civilization was really that advanced in the past.

Humans are foolish, so perhaps civilization advances, then destroys itself and starts over again.

The purple glow was recorded on video!
So that concludes this record of the White Mage weapon, the Skydeep Cane, that can be obtained at The Skydeep Cenote!

My brother is saying something profound…