This is a record of the ninja’s Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) “Mandervillous Knives“.

Wow, it’s an electronic knife! cool!

It has a combat knife design.

When you hold it, a glowing effect will appear!

Wow, this reminds me of Strike Gundam’s anti-armor combat knife “Armor Schneider”!

Huh, you’re talking so fast and fantasizing about Gundam again…

This glowing effect alternates between blue and purple.

The handle has a gunblade-like feel to it.

A blade of light appears, and a honeycomb barrier-like effect covers the entire area.

Oh, this is the type that cuts with the power of a barrier! ?

The ring of light is mysterious. A honeycomb-like effect floats softly.

The electronic sound when you hold it up is even more cool!

Dyeing Patterns
Some colors will change.
Snow White

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Celeste Green

All of these look like Gundam and are cool!

I recorded the glowing effect in a video!
So, this is the record of the final form of the Ninja’s Manderville weapons, “Mandervillous Knives“!
This is a troublesome series where Norirow-san’s delusions become more intense…
