This is a record of the mount “Island Mandragora” that can be obtained on The island sanctuary.

Wow, the cute one has become a friend♪

But Mandragora is surprisingly scary, isn’t it?

eh! ? 💦

I think you have a very cute face.

Wearing a bolero-like outfit from the neck down is also cute.

Guessing from the feet, it’s a radish companion … is it?

But I’m just riding on your head, so I’m a little unstable?

Norirow-san, you will definitely fall.

Ugh, this leaf sometimes catches me, so it’s okay 💦

Both walking and running are very cute movements.

It is waving and running hard.

But it’s a little scary to yell “Kee!” when riding.

It’s true, the voice might be a little scary…

By the way, there is a rumor that if you hear a mandragora scream when you pull it out, you will die.

Eh, scary 💦
Check out the video below to see how it moves, including the voice!

In addition, this “Island Mandragora” can be exchanged by collecting 12,000 Seafarer’s Cowrie in The island sanctuary.

And there is a mysterious official explanation.

Born into an influential family in the West Mandra Empire, fabled nation of vegetables, this mandragora grew to its prodigious size thanks to fertile soil and abundant sunlight. Alas, its blessed upbringing could also be considered a curse, for it is the fate of such prime produce to go to market.
From the mount official commentary

Really, where is “the West Mandra Empire”…

Maybe the mystery will be solved if The island sanctuary is updated?

Fufu, that’s an expectation ♪

Video recording
I recorded the voice and movement in the video!

Well, at any rate, I’m glad that the cute one has become a friend ♪
So, it was a record of the mount “Island Mandragora” of The island sanctuary.