This is the record of the dancer’s throwing weapon “Dwarven Mythril Glaives“.

I got a little cute circular moon ring that looks like a cactus♪

Like a cactus? ? ? cute? ? ?

When it’s sitting on your waist, it’s just a ring with little aggressiveness…

When you hold it up, it expands one step further and more spikes pop out!

It looks like a cactus, right?

Umm, yes, and a bit mechanical, too.

The thorns are sharp and the attack power seems to be reasonably high.

But I feel like the thorns are going to stick themselves in me.

Hehe, unlike my brother, I don’t do such clumsy things!

Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)Garoon clumsy……💦

Note that the “Dwarven Mythril Glaives” is a Crafter-made weapon and can be purchased on the Market Board.

I like this one because it resembles my favorite frog robot♪
▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that’s all for the record of the dancer’s throwing weapon “Dwarven Mythril Glaives“!

Isn’t it a little cute?