This is a record of the glowing version of the Hydaelyn Dancer throwing weapon, “Tathlums of Sanctifying Light.”

Ta-da! I got a chakra that looks just like Hydaelyn ♪

Fufu, it’s true that Hydaelyn does have an image of a dancer.

The crystal part is already beautiful and shiny, but when you hold it, an even more glowing effect is added, making it even more divine!

The whole thing is surrounded by a blue aura and radial effects spin around.

The radial effect is only on the front, so it’s nice that the front and back look different.

If you look closely, you’ll see phantom light fragment effects flying around.

Wow, this is really divine and beautiful♪

This is made of crystal, right?

Aren’t they made from shards of Mother Crystal?

Huh? Mother Crystal?!💦

By the way, this “Tathlums of Sanctifying Light” is a crafted weapon, so it is also available on the market board.

I recorded the glowing effect on video!
So that concludes my record of the glowing Hydaelyn Dancer throwing weapon, “Tathlums of Sanctifying Light“!

I want to become a strong and kind woman like Hydaelyn♪