This is Nero’s exclusive mount “Red Baron“

Red … It’s a red aircraft … It’s three times faster …

I don’t know if it’s tripled, but the official commentary says that the suspension has been strengthened.

Constantly modified and improved by Nero himself, this warmachina of Garlean construct barely resembles the suit issued to tol Scaeva on the day of his promotion to tribunus.(From the official commentary)

The name Red Baron is cool !

Is it a name derived from FF4 ? Red wings ?

The magitec armor has a well-made engine and cockpit, which makes it a great move for mecha lovers.

It’s also very real and cool that the fuel is flowing into the engine and the tube is wavy.

I really like the fact that it transforms a little when it takes off.

You can get black magitec armor in the story, but it’s kind of interesting that various color variations are made in this way.

By the way, this “Red Baron” is a billing mount that can be purchased at the FF14 online store.

Well, it’s only different colors, so maybe there aren’t many people who bother to buy it, so I don’t see many people riding it.

It may be very good for people who want to ride a mechanical mount different from people.

So, it was a record of the billing mount “Red Baron” that can be purchased at the FF14 online store.
▼ Please check the video for the degree of deformation !
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