This is a record of the paid mount “Crescent Moon” that can be purchased at the FF14 online store.

Ta-da! I got a very cute mount♪

Wow, that crescent moon with a cloak on it is so beautiful.

oh yeah! Moreover, the sound the moment I ride is so cute♪
It rides on the mount with a sparkling sound. Please check out the sound effects in the video below.

The crescent moon is decorated with noble decorations, and a Leporrit is riding next to it. Always sparkling!

There is also a star-shaped accessory at the bottom, which is a very nice design.

Above all, the large cloak is fluttering and gives a very elegant look when moving.

And, this Leporrit movement is also very cute!
Normally, this Leporrit is just sitting…

If you move slowly during flight, Leporrit will talk to you.

Furthermore, if you run fast during flight, Leporrit will look around while waving in the wind.

This is certainly cute.

Fly me to the moon♪

It’s quite a mystery that Leporrit made something like this.

yeah? Isn’t Namingway-chan also a Leporrit?

I recorded the BGM, sound effects, and movements in a video!
So, this is the record of the paid mount “Crescent Moon” that can be purchased at the FF14 online store!

It shines at night and is very beautiful♪
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