This is a record of the warrior weapon “Paw of the Crimson Cat” from the Yokai Watch collaboration event.

I think this axe is cute.

Wow, it’s Jibanyan’s axe♪

A red axe with a Jibanyan relief.

When you hold it up, the tail part lights up and blinks slowly.

The tip of the handle is also flashing.

The blade is sharp and spiky, so it looks quite strong.

This is a very beautiful axe with bright colors.

However, it seems like it would be difficult to find an outfit to match since it is so vivid.

Well, surprisingly, I feel like this outfit matches this too.

Ah, if you look closely, Jibanyan is doing a hundred-fissure punch!

I recorded the movement in a video!
So, this is the record of the warrior weapon “Paw of the Crimson Cat” from the Yo-kai Watch collaboration event!

This is one of my favorite designs in the Yo-kai Watch series♪